Episode 31: When the Captain's Away (SNW 2×01 The Broken Circle)

Kev & Rob celebrate the return of Strange New Worlds by punching a corridor full of Klingons before sitting down to share their thoughts about "The Broken Circle". They then explore other notable examples of crews operating without their Captain (or station Commander, as the case may be!) in "The Tholian Web" (TOS), "Family Business" (DS9), "Little Green Men" (DS9), "Two Days and Two Nights" (ENT), and "The Quickening" (DS9).

SNW 2×01 The Broken Circle

TOS 3×09 The Tholian Web

DS9 3×23 Family Business

DS9 4×24 The Quickening
Episode 31: When the Captain's Away (SNW 2×01 The Broken Circle)
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