All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 73 in total
Episode 72: Unreasonable Klingon Ships (LD 5×10 The New Next Generation)
Rob and Kev surf the waves of the multiverse, dodging Klingon death barges in "The New Next Generation". They then look to the past for other examples of unreasonable ...

Episode 71: Kim & T'Pol (LD 5×09 Fissure Quest)
Kev and Rob leap from universe to universe in search of wacky versions of people from history to crew their swanky starship in "Fissure Quest". They then revisit two c...

Episode 70: Unseen crews (LD 5×08 Upper Decks)
Rob and Kev step out of the limelight to make way for some junior podcasters to talk about them behind their backs as they discuss "Upper Decks". They then revisit two...

Episode 69: Going undercover (LD 5×07 Fully Dilated)
Kev and Rob don their fake antennae and pose as local yokels as they spend twelve months trapped on a primitive planet watching "Fully Dilated". They then explore othe...

Episode 68: Non-humanoid life (LD 5×06 Of Gods and Angles)
Rob and Kev dodge floating cubes, spheres, and squishy lightning bolts in "Of Gods and Angles", then reflect on other non-humanoid species in "The Savage Curtain" (TOS...

Episode 67: Space Stations (LD 5×05 Starbase 80?!)
Kev and Rob admire the graffiti and rusty TOS-era decor of Starbase 80 in "Starbase 80?!", then revisit two of their favorite space stations from the past, Deep Space ...

Episode 66: Farms (LD 5×04 A Farewell to Farms)
Rob and Kev return to the land on Qo'noS in "A Farewell to Farms", then stay there by visiting some other prominent farming episodes, "This Side of Paradise" (TOS) and...

Episode 65: Offscreen Breakups (LD 5×03 The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel)
Kev and Rob enjoy the cruise ship hijinks of "The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel", then delve into other onscreen relationships that ended off screen: Scotty and Uhura (Star...

Episode 64: Meeting Yourself (LD 5×01-02)
Rob and Kev review the first two episodes of Lower Decks Season 5, "Dos Cerritos" and "Shades of Green". They then revisit past Treks that saw our characters meeting t...

Episode 63: Kids (PRO 2×16-20)
Kev and Rob farewell the newly-formed Prodigy crew in episodes 16-20 of season two, then take the opportunity to revisit past instances of children in Star Trek, both ...

Episode 62: Captains broken by tragedy (PRO 2×11-15)
Rob and Kev pass the time sailing on an ocean of vapour in episodes 11-15 of Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 by discussing other instances of captains bent and broken by t...

Episode 61: Too-good-to-be-true planets (PRO 2×06-10)
Kev and Rob learn that there's no such thing as paradise in Star Trek – no matter how many scantily clad natives you throw into the mix. After a brief discussion of St...

Episode 60: Dads (PRO 2×01-05)
Rob and Kev plunge into Season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy like Rok-Tahk and Murf jumping into Gillian's tank! They share their thoughts on "Into the Breach, Part I & II",...

Episode 59: Hand-to-hand combat (DIS 5×10 Life, Itself)
Kev and Rob take stock of Star Trek: Discovery following its finale, "Life, Itself." Burnham's epic fistfight with Moll prompts them to revisit other Trek punch-ups of...

Episode 58: Into the belly of the beast (DIS 5×09 Lagrange Point)
Rob and Kev are inspired by "Lagrange Point" to don their Breen helmets and travel into dangerous waters with Starfleet crews who have done the same over the years. Th...

Episode 57: Captains on their own (DIS 5×08 Labyrinths)
Kev and Rob are trapped in their separate mindscapes, with only a cryptic librarian version of the other for company. To pass the time, they consider how "Labyrinths" ...

Episode 56: Big ships (DIS 5×07 Erigah)
Rob and Kev were actually standing on the bridge of Federation HQ in "Erigah"; you just couldn't see them for all the Breen! While they were there, they debated whethe...

Episode 55: Technology in primitive cultures (DIS 5×06 Whistlespeak)
Kev and Rob whistle their way through the "fun run" on Halem’no as they discuss "Whistlespeak", but are wise enough not to step into the rain-making machine at the fin...

Episode 54: The Mirror Universe (DIS 5×05 Mirrors)
Rob and Kev switch on the holographic blind on their Breen loading dock to discuss "Mirrors", which turned out not to be quite the contribution to Mirror Universe lore...

Episode 53: Trapped in time (DIS 5×04 Face the Strange)
Kev and Rob are unfazed by the time-travel shenanigans this week in "Face the Strange", accustomed as they are to weaving their way through the history of the Star Tre...

Episode 52: Joined Trill (DIS 5×03 Jinaal)
After defeating the cloak-bees of the dimly-lit rock quarries of Trill, Rob and Kev take a stroll down the lane (or a swim up the milky river?) of Trill history, discu...

Episode 51: Starships bumping into planets (DIS 5×01 Red Directive, DIS 5×02 Under the Twin Moons)
Kev & Rob are back to finally, unbelievably, talk about Star Trek: Discovery for the very first time! The events of "Red Directive" (DIS) see them reflecting on other ...

Episode 50: Star Trek V commentary
To celebrate our fiftieth episode, we break from our usual format to record an audio commentary for Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, arguably the least successful Star...

Episode 49: Barriers in space (LD 4×10 Old Friends, New Planets)
Kev & Rob approach the infinitely wide, unfathomably tall, impenetrable barrier that is the end of Star Trek: Lower Decks, Season Four, "Old Friends, New Planets". Amo...

Episode 48: Aliens working together (LD 4×09 The Inner Fight)
Rob & Kev fend off their inner demons, take shelter from a patch of knife rain, and watch "The Inner Fight", the penultimate episode of season four of Star Trek: Lower...

Episode 47: Cave episodes (LD 4×08 Caves)
Kev & Rob get stuck in a cave and are forced to pass the time awaiting rescue discussing "Caves". As their supplies dwindle, they plumb the hidden depths of other cave...

Episode 46: Evil computers & AIs (LD 4×07 A Few Badgeys More)
Rob & Kev consult their robotic overlord for its opinion on "A Few Badgeys More", before discussing other episodes where the forces of evil aligned against our heroes ...

Episode 45: Best Ferengi episodes (LD 4×06 Parth Ferengi's Heart Place)
Kev & Rob back up their truck of gold pressed latinum to Uncle Quark's Youth Casino in "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place", then stay for the haggling at the Museum of Gambl...

Episode 44: Crews going crazy! (LD4×05 Empathological Fallacies)
Rob & Kev lose control of their emotions and, after breaking down the highlights of "Empathological Fallacies", cannot resist their powerful urges to revisit two class...

Episode 43: Wedding traditions (LD 4×04 Something Borrowed, Something Green)
Kev & Rob are swept away in the romance (and the repeated stabbings) of "Something Borrowed, Something Green", and narrowly avoid the "hump dungeon" on their way to ex...