Episode 18: The Holodeck (PRO 1×17 Ghost in the Machine, PRO 1×18 Mindwalk)
Kev & Rob can't wait for the Star Trek: Prodigy season finale after watching "Ghost in the Machine" and "Mindwalk". To pass the time, they explore the simulated worlds (and people!) created by the holodeck, sometimes a little too magically, in "Elementary, Dear Data" (TNG), "Ship in a Bottle" (TNG), "His Way" (DS9), "It's Only a Paper Moon" (DS9), "Booby Trap" (TNG), and "Nothing Human" (VOY).
Cellar Door Society (Memory Alpha)
PRO 1×17 Ghost in the Machine (Memory Alpha)
DS9 7×04 Take Me Out to the Holosuite (Memory Alpha)
Red Dwarf 5×06 Back to Reality (Tongue Tied)
PRO 1×18 Mindwalk (Memory Alpha)
SNW 1×05 Spock Amok (Memory Alpha)
Best of Bruce McAvaney (YouTube)
Tex Avery (Wikipedia)
Robert McKimson (Wikipedia)
Bob Clampett (Wikipedia)
Chuck Jones (Wikipedia)
Kate Mulgrew as Red Claw (Batman: The Animated Series wiki)
TNG 2×03 Elementary, Dear Data (Memory Alpha)
TNG 1×12 The Big Goodbye (Memory Alpha)
TNG 6×12 Ship in a Bottle (Memory Alpha)
TNG 5×18 Cause and Effect (Memory Alpha)
DS9 6×20 His Way (Memory Alpha)
Vic Fontaine (Memory Alpha)
DS9 7×15 Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang (Memory Alpha)
TNG 2×04 The Outrageous Okona (Memory Alpha)
DS9 7×10 It’s Only a Paper Moon (Memory Alpha)
DS9 7×08 The Siege of AR-558 (Memory Alpha)
TNG 3×06 Booby Trap (Memory Alpha)
VOY 5×08 Nothing Human (Memory Alpha)
Blade Runner enhance photo scene (YouTube)