Episode 16: Contaminated Cultures (PRO 1×13 All the World's a Stage, PRO 1×14 Crossroads)
After looking at the two latest episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy, "All the World's a Stage" and "Crossroads", Kev & Rob ensure their communicators are securely fastened to their belts and beam down to two worlds that have suffered cultural contamination in "A Piece of the Action" (TOS) and "False Profits" (VOY).
Cultural contamination (Memory Alpha)
PRO 1×13 All the World's a Stage (Memory Alpha)
David Garrovick (Memory Alpha)
TOS 2×18 Obsession (Memory Alpha)
PRO 1×14 Crossroads (Memory Alpha)
TNG 2×04 The Outrageous Okona (Memory Alpha)
TOS 2×20 A Piece of the Action (Memory Alpha)
ENT 2×20 Horizon (Memory Alpha)
ENT 2×08 The Communicator (Memory Alpha)
Star Trek: Year Five #3 (League of Comic Geeks)
VOY 3×05 False Profits (Memory Alpha)
TNG 3×08 The Price (Memory Alpha)
Remembering Leslie Jordan: A Lifetime of Laughter & Loving Service (Matt Baume, YouTube)